La Rivista Piccola Impresa-Small Business propone agli studiosi aziendalisti un Call for paper dal titolo “SMEs and humane entrepreneurship overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic” che darà luogo ad uno special issue pubblicabile sul finire del 2022/inizio 2023. Lo special è curato dai guest editor Léo-Paul Dana, MPS, Montpellier Business School, France, Mara Del Baldo, University of Urbino, Italy e Johannes Dumay, Macquarie Business School, Sydney, Australia
La dead line per la Submission dei full paper è: October 15th, 2021 for paper to be eligible for presentation on a special track of the 4th PISB Conference, Urbino, December 3-4, 2021, “Beyond the crisis: what future for small business? Challenges, opportunities and lessons learned” ” (for updated information, please visit the Journal website: February 28th , 2022 for all other papers.