Dear Colleagues,
Please have a look at the Call for Papers for the 2019 Annual Conference of the International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) 170 IFERA Reviewers are already lined up and waiting for your submissions! Join the community and visit the 2019 conference website to learn more about the conference and submission guidelines.
Conference highlights:
Conference theme:Feeding the fire of entrepreneurship: Theory and practice for the enterprising family
We hope you will join us in Bergamo (Italy) on 17-21 June 2019, and we look forward to hosting a great conference.
Best wishes,
Conference Program Chairs
Tommaso Minola and Mara Brumana (University of Bergamo, Italy), Giovanna Campopiano (Lancaster University Management School, UK)
Ifera Board
Josip Kotlar (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)