Aprile 10, 2013

Intervista a Abby Ghobadian – President of the British Academy of Management (BAM)

When was BAM found, how many members does BAM have and who are they? The British Academy of Management was founded in 1986 by a group […]
Febbraio 8, 2013

Intervista a Alessia Contu

Di Donatella Depperu – donatella.depperu@unicatt.it   ALESSIA CONTU – Associate Professor of Organization Studies presso l’Università di Warwick Come si caratterizza il sistema di valutazione della ricerca nel […]
Dicembre 14, 2012

Intervista a Thomas Durand

Di Donatella Depperu – donatella.depperu@unicatt.it Thomas Durand is chaired professor of Strategic Management at Cnam in Paris where he heads the Management-Innovation-Prospective Department and the MBA. How […]
Luglio 18, 2012

Intervista a Caren Sureth

Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth is Head of Chair of Business Economics, esp. Taxation at University of Paderborn, Germany. She is President of VHB – Verband der Hochshullehrer […]
Aprile 18, 2012

Intervista a Morten Huse

Morten Huse is Professor of Organization and Management, Norwegian School of Management BI Since 2010 he has been President of the European Academy of Management    […]
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